Course Name: Full Stack Development In Java
Duration: 6 Months (72 Hours)
Level: Beginner to Advance
Delivery Format: Online or in-person classes
Course Objective: This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to become a proficient full stack developer. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to expand your existing skill set, this course will take you on a journey through HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, and React, Spring boot covering everything from the basics to advanced techniques.
Course Details
Module 1: HTML
Introduction to HTML
HTML Essentials
Text Formatting in HTML
Images in HTML
Content in HTML
Tables in HTML
Form Element in HTML
Multimedia in HTML
Project: Multipage Personal Portfolio website
Module 2: CSS
Introduction to CSS
Properties and Values
Box Model
Text Styles
Layout Techniques
Media Queries
Project: Responsive Product Landing Page
Module 3: JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript
Variables and Data Types
Operators and Expressions
Control Flow and Conditional Statements
Loops and Iterations
Functions and Scope
Arrays and Array Methods
Objects and Object-oriented Programming
DOM Manipulation and Events
Asynchronous JavaScript and Promises
Working with JSON
ES6+ Features and Modern JavaScript
Projects: To-Do List Application, Movie Database Browser
Module 4 Tailwind CSS
Introduction to Tailwind CSS
Setting Up Tailwind CSS in Your Project
Utility Classes and Utility-first Approach
Responsive Design with Tailwind CSS
Customizing Tailwind CSS Configuration
Theming with Tailwind CSS
Extending Tailwind CSS with Plugins
Integrating Tailwind CSS with JavaScript Frameworks
Advanced Layout Techniques with Tailwind CSS
Project: Online Shopping Website Design with Tailwind CSS
Module 5 React
Introduction to React
Setting Up React Environment
JSX – JavaScript XML Syntax
Components and Props
State and Lifecycle
Handling Events
Conditional Rendering
Lists and Keys
Forms and Controlled Components
React Hooks
Context API
Routing with React Router
Axios and Fetch for HTTP Requests
Styling in React
Project: Shopping cart project front end using react
Module 6: Introduction to Spring Boot
Overview of Spring Boot
Setting up development environment
Creating a simple Spring Boot application
Understanding Spring Boot starters and dependencies
Building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot
Integrating frontend with Spring Boot backend using REST APIs
Module 7: Database Integration
Introduction to relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL)
Setting up database connections in Spring Boot
Using Spring Data JPA for database operations
Implementing CRUD operations with Spring Boot and JPA
Module 8: Authentication and Authorization
Understanding authentication and authorization concepts
Implementing user registration and login functionality
Securing REST APIs with Spring Security
Role-based access control in Spring Boot applications
Module 9: Frontend Framework Integration
Integrating frontend frameworks with Spring Boot backend
Consuming RESTful APIs from the frontend
Implementing user interfaces for CRUD operations
Handling form submissions and validation in frontend
Module 10: Project Work
Developing a full-stack application from scratch
Applying concepts learned throughout the course
Working on real-world scenarios and challenges
Collaborative project work to simulate a professional development environment
By the end of this course, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to tackle real-world full stack development projects with confidence.
A Full Stack Developer is proficient in several technologies that help in developing a robust tech product and thus plays a major role in making decisions for the company. It is one of the high-demand jobs in the software industry.